I use the book as an art form to uncover the reality of the patriarchal, white, capitalistic world we live in and how it enslaves the working class for the enjoyment of the ruling class. Through my art, I aim to expose the unadulterated truth that corporations and governments exploit to perpetuate divisions such as class, race, and individuality. I use a variety of sources, including popular culture, newspapers, video essays, history, and my observations of neoliberalism as a Gen Z member, to reveal the reality often obscured by the wealthy to maintain their privileged status. My books are complemented by various mediums and practices, such as drawing, painting, collage, paper towels, printmaking, taxidermy, and insect pinning, to help close the bridge between reality and disbelief that the audience might have upon realizing facts. For instance, using mounted animals and pinned insects as metaphors for humanity is much easier for people from different backgrounds to comprehend than actual persons. At the same time, collage enables writings and images from multiple roots to unite in harmony and reveal verity.